About Us
Meet the Executives
The Teeswater Agricultural Society is run by a team of dedicated individuals who strive to create fun, educational events for Teeswater and the surrounding communities. These events wouldn’t be possible without the contributions of our executive team.
Chairperson: Melinda Scott
1st Vice: Marjan Ireland
2nd Vice: Jen Inglis
Past Chairperson: Wendy McKague
Treasurer/Secretary: Kathie Emke
Executive: Rhys Tiffin, Barb Zettler, Doreen McGlynn, Jean Culliton, Susan Riley, Annette Carter

Brief History of the Teeswater Fair
Teeswater was incorporated as a village in 1875. The fair started some 20 years earlier in 1855. It was originally called the Culross Township Exhibition. The fairs were held in various places around town before our park and fairgrounds were purchased in 1896 for $1,500.00.
The Race Track and Exhibit Hall (known as the Pioneer Hall) are built.
Schools enjoyed and participated in the fair.
As the Culross Society became larger, they started called themselves the Teeswater Agricultural Society.
A well was dug on the park grounds.
The west wing of the Pioneer Hall was added.
Main entrance gate to the park was built with a donation of $100.00 from the Teeswater Woman’s Institute.
During the recession years, Teeswater fair was the largest in history. Lots of wet weather
The grandstand was built to seat 1,000.
The grandstand additions to seat 4,000.
Attendance was 16,000.
Special train ran from Toronto to the fair to bring fairgoers.
The Teeswater Fair was declared a “Class B” fair.
Poultry barn, 4-H calf barn, hog barn, and stone gates were all built.
Teeswater Fair date changed to last Friday/Saturday in September.
Chuck Wagon races from Calgary were featured.
Teeswater Fair date changed to Thanksgiving weekend.
First Tractor Pull was held.
Queen of the fair was initiated.
Largest section of the grandstand was cemented.
Fair was declared a “Class A” fair.
Teeswater Fair was extended to a 3-day fair to entice more people to attend.
Date changed to 4th weekend in August, due to many years of rain and snow on Thanksgiving weekend.
Horse ring was built by the horse committee.
- Farm Gate to your Plate, promoting and educating families about agriculture. Still a highlight at our fair!
Horse Ring repaired by local community members and businesses.
We Want to Hear From You!
If you have a question, comment, or concern, please don’t hesitate to fill out the form, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!